Welcome to the Accounting Subject Guide. This LibGuide is intended to support the coursework and research needs of students enrolled in an accounting course or program.
N, NC, T, and TR are the letters assigned by the Library of Congress classification system for books and other resources in Multimedia.
The Library Catalog is an index to the library’s books and audiovisual materials. You may search the catalog from any computer with Internet access. The online card catalog can be searched in a variety of ways most notability by TITLE, AUTHOR, SUBJECT, and KEYWORD.
The library carries several reference titles related to Multimedia. Please visit the reference section or consult with a librarian for more information.
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Special Effects Artists and Animators
American Memory is a multimedia web site of digitized historical documents, photographs, sound recordings, moving pictures, books, pamphlets, maps, and other resources from the Library of Congress’s vast holdings.
Over 1 million images taken from the pages of 17th, 18th and 19th century books. The images have no known copyright restrictions.
A portal that delivers students, teachers, scholars, and the public to incredible resources, wherever they may be in America. Far more than a search engine, the portal provides innovative ways to search and scan through the united collection of millions of items, including by timeline, map, format, subject, and partner.
Extensive website containing free eBooks, images, video, audio, and other media to view and download. Also includes the Internet Wayback Machine, for accessing archived, past versions of websites.
This links to the motion picture collections from the American Memory Project. A range of topics are covered, such as Coca-Cola Advertising, Animated Film, or Theadore Roosevelt.