Welcome to the Mass Communication Library Guide. This LibGuide is intended to support the coursework and research needs of students enrolled in a Mass Communication course or program.
HF, NC, PN, TR, and ZA are the letters assigned by the Library of Congress classification system for books and other resources in Mass Communication.
The following letters are assigned to specific Political Science subject areas.
The Library Catalog is an index to the library’s books and audiovisual materials. You may search the catalog from any computer with Internet access. The online card catalog can be searched in a variety of ways most notability by TITLE, AUTHOR, SUBJECT, and KEYWORD.
The library carries an extensive collection of reference titles related to mass communication. Please visit the reference section or consult with a librarian for more information.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook- Media and Communications
Provides data-driven news based on US and world polls, daily tracking and public opinion research.
Toolbox is a free resource for start-up newsrooms, legacy and local media, freelancers, entrepreneurs, educators, student media and people in many other industries. Reporters new to a beat use the pages, organized much like a newsroom, to familiarize themselves with coverage and sourcing.