Welcome to the Psychology Subject Guide. This LibGuide is intended to support the coursework and research needs of students enrolled in a psychology course or program.
BF is the letter subclass assigned by the Library of Congress classification system for books and other resources in Psychology.
The Library Catalog is an index to the library’s books and audiovisual materials. You may search the catalog from any computer with Internet access. The online card catalog can be searched in a variety of ways most notability by TITLE, AUTHOR, SUBJECT, and KEYWORD.
The American Psychology Association has an extensive career guide that includes a job outlook and various resources for students interested in the field of psychology.
APA is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 122,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members.
Psychology Today is the world’s largest mental health and behavioral science destination online. It is the original and largest publishing enterprise that is exclusively dedicated to human behavior. Our motto is “Here to Help,” and the resources you’re accessing right now are the worldwide destination of choice for expert-authored information about psychology and mental health.