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Access Services

The Access Services Department is responsible for checkout of library materials and equipment and for Interlibrary Loan.

Graphing Calculator Rental - One Semester Loan

Students may rent a TI-84 Plus graphing calculator for a semester.

Here is the procedure:

  1. At the Cashier's Office, pay the $25 semester rental fee.
  2. Bring your Paid Receipt to the Library Circulation Desk, along with your current RSC ID.
  3. At the Circulation Desk, you will show your ID and sign a rental agreement form.
  4. The Circulation staff will check out a calculator to you for the current semester.


All graphing calculators are a ONE SEMESTER RENTAL ONLY. You cannot keep the calculator for another semester.

If the calculator is damaged or lost, you will need to pay the full cost of a replacement.  

Scientific Calculator Checkout - 24-hour Loan Only

Students may check out a TI-30 scientific calculator for 24 hours.

Here is the procedure:

  1. Bring your current RSC student ID to the Circulation Desk.
  2. Tell the Circulation staff that you want to borrow a scientific calculator.
  3. Sign an agreement form in which you promise to return the calculator before the Library's closing time the following day.


All scientific calculators are a 24-HOUR CHECKOUT ONLY. You cannot keep the calculator for a week, a month, or the semester.

If the calculator is lost or damaged, you will need to pay the full cost of a replacement.