No appointments are needed for Academic Testing.
Please read all instructions on this page so that you are fully prepared when you arrive to take a test.
Tests Administered Here
- We administer advanced standing tests and class tests at the request of instructors for online, on-campus, and hybrid courses.
- We do not administer placement tests, ACT, COMPASS, CLEP, or DSST. These are administered through Enrollment and Specialized Testing (EAST).
- We do not administer the GED. The GED is only given at approved testing locations. For more information, visit the State of Oklahoma GED webpage.
- We do not proctor tests originating from other institutions but hope to resume this service as soon as conditions allow.
Student Guidelines
- What to Bring: To take a test, students must provide:
- Student ID Card
- Student ID Number
- Instructor's Name
- Course Name
- Test Number
- What Not to Bring: Only materials outlined by the faculty member in the test instructions are allowed in the testing rooms.
- Children: Children may not be left unattended in Academic Testing or elsewhere in the Learning Resources Center while their accompanying adult is testing.

- Devices: Cell phones, wearable smart devices (smart watches, fitbits, fitness monitors, etc.), photo/copying devices, and other unapproved electronics are not permitted. Lockers are provided for safekeeping of items that must be left behind.
- Food/Drink: Food and drinks are not permitted.
- Start/End Times: Exams may not be started within one hour of closing. All tests must be submitted fifteen minutes before closing regardless of how much time the instructor has allotted for test completion. Arrive early enough to allow ample time to complete your test.
- Accommodations: Students with Student Access Services accommodations requiring an individual testing room should call Academic Testing (405-733-7440) ahead of time to schedule a room.
- Violations: Students found with unapproved testing materials or otherwise violating the Academic Testing conduct policy will be given a warning. Upon a second offense, the student will lose Academic Testing privileges for the remainder of the semester. If the second offense occurs in the last month of the semester, the student will also lose Academic Testing privileges for the following semester.
Faculty Guidelines
- Include faculty name, course abbreviation, course number, time limit, and approved materials on each paper test.
- Deliver sufficient copies of paper tests to Academic Testing prior to the testing date.
- Provide a completed Academic Testing Computer Test Instruction Sheet for each computer test.
- Advise students to carefully review the Student Guidelines section on this page and be prepared to adhere to all policies.
- Deliver tests to Academic Testing personally or send an authorized representative. We cannot accept tests sent via interoffice mail or email.
- End test availability only on Mondays through Thursdays, as Friday and Sunday hours are abbreviated.
- Provide a new computer test instruction sheet each new semester, as they are shredded at the end of each semester.
- Tests will not be given without a computer test instruction sheet or instructions included on the paper exam.
- During finals week, Academic Testing only has capacity to proctor final exams. Please end all regular exams given in Academic Testing by the Thursday before finals week. Make sure that your instruction sheets reflect this deadline and communicate to students.
- Open exams given to entire classes for a minimum of three business days.
- Either pick up your tests in person or authorize someone to pick them up. Authorization must be in writing. Authorization forms are available in Academic Testing. Completed tests will not be returned through interoffice mail.
- Email correspondence to the Academic Testing email address ( so that whoever is in the office will receive your message. We will reply all to confirm receipt.
- During periods of high traffic, like finals week, lines can back up quickly, and Academic Testing staff may not be able to answer the phone or respond to emails in a timely manner. If it is imperative that you speak with a staff member about a time-critical matter during these occasions, either visit the office in person or send a messenger to deliver your message.